Richard Norris Richard Norris

Gig update

A few weeks of some great gigs. We played at Motofest in Coventry with Alkevan, I wrote a choir piece that we performed at an art exhibition in Longborough and it was fun to play with Wired for the Scuttlebrook games.

We’ve been doing lots of recording and writing with Alkevan and are looking forward to some upcoming gigs. Lovely to have a rehearsal with Matilda on violin last week also.

I’m starting to put together more definite ideas for an idea to tour in the near future also. Lots of new material ready to go.

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Richard Norris Richard Norris

Alkevan Art

A fun gig recently where Alkevan performed and were the source of “inspiration” for some brilliant artists at Warwick University in a session run by Rupam Barthakur.

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Richard Norris Richard Norris

Live and Local

A brilliant day with Live and Local at their DART ((Developing Artists in Rural Touring) workshop day at The Nest in Coventry; meeting the team, an Arts Council representative, a volunteer and artists. There were lots of really interesting talks and performances and it was great to hear about how rural touring can work. Lots of food for thought!

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Richard Norris Richard Norris

Music for Change

Richard Norris talks to Skyler Jett and Tom Bryant about his current music projects and live performance

I had a really enjoyable conversation with Syler Jett and Tom Bryant about my projects and the nature of live performance and the challenges/imperfections that come with it.

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